A jar of colourful jelly beans

The Story:

Jelly Belly is one of the world’s most widely recognised confectionary brands and a household name in the UK.  The brand wanted a campaign which presented them in relevant environments to keep the products top of mind with their audience.

To do this, MAG’s objectives were to increase social profile and engagement and maintain Jelly Belly’s position at the top of the premium confectionary pile. 


The Strategy:

To achieve these objectives and  keep Jelly Belly fans engaged- MAG had to ensure the campaign content was entertaining and  as exciting as the brand’s products.

Over the last 5 years, the brand’s focus has shifted between general brand activity to specific products, such as BeanBoozled and interactive/competition led activity. But MAG knew even with the brand’s split focus on products, the strategy needed to work to achieve good, relevant cover and engage target groups in exciting and quirky ways, including through digital channels.


The Results:


Successful sales performance of BeanBoozled, cocktail classics and 50 flavours & tens of thousands of competition entries generated.


increase in social media followers.

increase in social engagement.