ITV introduces Shoppable TV

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It was recently announced that ITV was introducing a new feature: shoppable TV.

Here to tell us more, is Amy Stringman, our Head of Planning. Hello Amy!

So, what is shoppable TV?

Shoppable TV is a brand new feature in the UK on ITV, which is the first of its kind! It launched during Love Island and Boots was their launch partner. It is currently only available on 2019 and 2020 LG TVs, with audiences having to opt-in to receive the notifications and service. It uses AI Technology, to identify and tag featured products that viewers can see on screen.

Whilst this has been seen with Shoppable Ribbons on VOD platforms in the past, it’s brand new for Linear!


What do you think Shoppable TV will mean for brand marketing if it’s successful?

If successful, I think this could bridge a gap between Broadcast and Online, allowing audiences to specifically view and purchase products, which is especially great for clothing brands during reality shows. It will allow audiences to shop directly from their TVs, and  if this innovation is something that audiences actively use, it will decrease the need for online searches and instead, increase direct purchases.

It’s already a popular in the US, do you think the opt-in service will have a similar uptake in the UK?

The US is ahead of the UK in terms of Connected TVs, with a plethora of platforms used on a daily basis to view TV, and according to reports, US audiences are enthusiastic to be able to shop via their connected TVs.

In the UK however, I think an air of caution is needed to ensure that audiences don’t feel bombarded during their TV content, as this will cause audiences to turn off, but I do believe that audiences will embrace the new technology and will be excited to see a new way of purchasing!


Do you think it will strengthen the relationship between brands & TV?

I think shoppable TV will work well to aid a partnership, or a larger TV campaign, providing an ease of purchase for the consumer. This will be beneficial to brands, as audiences can purchase directly without a web search.

Whilst I don’t see this becoming the norm across the TV advertising landscape, I’m excited to see what else can be done with this feature and how audiences react!


And now we know- thank you Amy!